
si substrate 안의 oxygen과 CZ method에서 pull rate 질문

wafer를 만드는 과정에서 oxygen이 substrate안에 침투하여 일정 비율의 ppma를 가진다는 것을 알고 있습니다. oxygen은 recombination center, n-type dopant로 sub 안에서 작용한다고 알고 있습니다.

1. recombination center, n-type dopant로 작용하는게 bad effect 인가요?
2. 이 두방식이 어떤 process 로 악영향을 주는지 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.

wafer를 만드는 CZ method에서 pull-rate이 빠르면 radius가 줄어든다는 사실을 알고 있습니다. radius가 줄어들게되면 웨이퍼 가장자리와 중간의 온도차가 심하지 않기 때문에 defect가 적을줄 알았는데, 강의 노트를 보니 defect가 많아진다고 하네요..

3. pull rate이 높으면 defect가 높아지는 이유에 대해서 알려주세요
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    신동협님의 답변


    1. 좋은 점은 transition metal gattering 효과 입니다. 그리고 강도를 높일 수도 있다고 합니다.
    하지만 산소가 불순물로 첨가되면 Si 결정성이 떨어지고 이에 의한 전기적인 특성이 떨어질 수있습니다.  또한 보론을 도핑할 경우 반응한다고 합니다. 이런 구조적 결함이나 불순물은 밴드갭에 deep level을 만들 수 있습니다. 이는 trap site나 recombination center가 될 수 있습니다.

    3. pull rate에 의한 defect 상관관계 중에 "확실하진 않지만" 떠오른 생각은 빨리 댕길수록 Si 결정들이 가지런하게 정렬할 시간적인 여유가 적어서 이에 의한 구조적 결함이 생길 수 있을 것 같습니다. 

    말씀하신 것에 대한 정보가 있는 웹사이트를 알려드립니다.

    When silicon is grown by the Czochralski method, the melt is contained in a silica (quartz) crucible. During growth, the walls of the crucible dissolve into the melt and Czochralski silicon therefore contains oxygen at a typical concentration of 1018 cm−3. Oxygen impurities can have beneficial or detrimental effects. Carefully chosen annealing conditions can give rise to the formation of oxygen precipitates. These have the effect of trapping unwanted transition metal impurities in a process known as gettering, improving the purity of surrounding silicon. However, formation of oxygen precipitates at unintended locations can also destroy electrical structures. Additionally, oxygen impurities can improve the mechanical strength of silicon wafers by immobilising any dislocations which may be introduced during device processing. It was experimentally shown in the 1990s that the high oxygen concentration is also beneficial for the radiation hardness of silicon particle detectors used in harsh radiation environment (such as CERN's LHC/HL-LHC projects).[8][9] Therefore, radiation detectors made of Czochralski- and Magnetic Czochralski-silicon are considered to be promising candidates for many future high-energy physics experiments.[10][11] It has also been shown that the presence of oxygen in silicon increases impurity trapping during post-implantation annealing processes.[12]

    However, oxygen impurities can react with boron in an illuminated environment, such as that experienced by solar cells. This results in the formation of an electrically active boron–oxygen complex that detracts from cell performance. Module output drops by approximately 3% during the first few hours of light exposure.[13]


    1. 좋은 점은 transition metal gattering 효과 입니다. 그리고 강도를 높일 수도 있다고 합니다.
    하지만 산소가 불순물로 첨가되면 Si 결정성이 떨어지고 이에 의한 전기적인 특성이 떨어질 수있습니다.  또한 보론을 도핑할 경우 반응한다고 합니다. 이런 구조적 결함이나 불순물은 밴드갭에 deep level을 만들 수 있습니다. 이는 trap site나 recombination center가 될 수 있습니다.

    3. pull rate에 의한 defect 상관관계 중에 "확실하진 않지만" 떠오른 생각은 빨리 댕길수록 Si 결정들이 가지런하게 정렬할 시간적인 여유가 적어서 이에 의한 구조적 결함이 생길 수 있을 것 같습니다. 

    말씀하신 것에 대한 정보가 있는 웹사이트를 알려드립니다.

    When silicon is grown by the Czochralski method, the melt is contained in a silica (quartz) crucible. During growth, the walls of the crucible dissolve into the melt and Czochralski silicon therefore contains oxygen at a typical concentration of 1018 cm−3. Oxygen impurities can have beneficial or detrimental effects. Carefully chosen annealing conditions can give rise to the formation of oxygen precipitates. These have the effect of trapping unwanted transition metal impurities in a process known as gettering, improving the purity of surrounding silicon. However, formation of oxygen precipitates at unintended locations can also destroy electrical structures. Additionally, oxygen impurities can improve the mechanical strength of silicon wafers by immobilising any dislocations which may be introduced during device processing. It was experimentally shown in the 1990s that the high oxygen concentration is also beneficial for the radiation hardness of silicon particle detectors used in harsh radiation environment (such as CERN's LHC/HL-LHC projects).[8][9] Therefore, radiation detectors made of Czochralski- and Magnetic Czochralski-silicon are considered to be promising candidates for many future high-energy physics experiments.[10][11] It has also been shown that the presence of oxygen in silicon increases impurity trapping during post-implantation annealing processes.[12]

    However, oxygen impurities can react with boron in an illuminated environment, such as that experienced by solar cells. This results in the formation of an electrically active boron–oxygen complex that detracts from cell performance. Module output drops by approximately 3% during the first few hours of light exposure.[13]

    김두진(doo317) 2019-01-06

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