
탄소나노튜브를 이용한 연료전지 효율개선 관련입니다.

연료전지에서 백금계열의 촉매가 아닌  비귀금속계를 탄소튜브와 결합해 사용해서 효율을 높였다는 기사를 봤습니다. 관련된 내용에서 어떤 탄소나노튜브가 사용됐는지 매커니즘은 어떤지 간략하게라도 알수있을까요 ?
  • 탄소나노튜브
  • 연료전지
지식의 출발은 질문, 모든 지식의 완성은 답변! 
각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
답변 2
  • 답변

    진현우님의 답변

    Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are adopted as catalyst support in fuel cells. Single-walled CNT(SWCNT), multi-wallled CNT (MWCNT), and mixture thereof are utilized as catalyst support to render superior surface area and electrical conductivity as well as decreasing fuel cell cost. For more details, please refer to Elnaz Akbari and Zolkafle Buntat, “Benefits of using carbon nanotubes in fuel cells: a review”, International Journal of Energy Research, 2017; 41: pp. 92–102.
    Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are adopted as catalyst support in fuel cells. Single-walled CNT(SWCNT), multi-wallled CNT (MWCNT), and mixture thereof are utilized as catalyst support to render superior surface area and electrical conductivity as well as decreasing fuel cell cost. For more details, please refer to Elnaz Akbari and Zolkafle Buntat, “Benefits of using carbon nanotubes in fuel cells: a review”, International Journal of Energy Research, 2017; 41: pp. 92–102.
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