2023-02-20 (최초 등록일 2010-03-26)
로드아일랜드 프로비던스
- 기관/단체 소개
- 브라운 대학의 한인 학생회 홈페이지입니다. 다음과 같은 내용을 보실 수 있습니다. - KASA Events Calendar MOTD KASA Information Officers Features - FeedBack Message Board - Links General The Arts Student Organizations Publications We humbly bring to you, in ways never seen before, the Brown Korean American Students' Association. We want to accurately represent the attitudes of Korean American students so I urge you to make us represent you well. We want to educate those issues and elements of our experience that are worth conveying so make those issues and elements known. We want to provide useful resources to y'all so tell us what you want. And KASA aims to make a good time out of it all so come on out and join us.. Next year is a new year so happy new year! But we look at the past year and ask "What has KASA done for me lately?" and some might answer "Not much." There are those who might say, "I never signed up to be a part of KASA." And it may be very true. But the fact is there is no membership in KASA. We just aim to provide for Korean American students and the greater Brown community through the len! s of Korean Americana. We aim to represent, to educate, provide resources as a part of the University community. Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, and have a great Quanza. There is a community to be found through our common heritage as Korean Americans. Check out what's been happening over the term...
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소속회원 0
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