Korean American Students of Yale(USA)
2023-02-20 (최초 등록일 2000-05-09)
코네티컷주 뉴헤이븐
- 기관/단체 소개
- The Korean American Students of Yale was established in 1984 by a group of students who wanted to promote the political, ltural and social interests of the community of Korean Americans at Yale. Starting with only a handful of members, KASY has grown both in size and in the scope of its goals. The executive arms for hese goals are KASY's subgroups, which include the Korean American Journal, the Korean Studies Task Force, and Unity (Yale's Korean cultural drum troupe). "Breaking the Mold" is the officer board’s theme for the 1999 term. The officer board plans to reevaluate KASY's goals and in doing so further develop its relationship to both the Yale community and the Korean American community at large. It is only through this ongoing process of reexamination that KASY will faithfully keep up with the needs of its members and continue to contribute to an awareness of the Korean and Korean American culture at Yale. The Korean Adopted Friends Picnic, held twice annually for six years, is aimed at educating adopted Korean children and their families about the Korean culture. This year KASY will extend its existing commitment to serving the Korean American community through a new subgroup, the Korean American Youth Initiative. This program will pair Korean American high school students in the tri-state area with a mentor in KASY for long-term guidance and an annual weekend retreat to the Yale campus. Cultural and political awareness have always been integral parts of KASY's mission. The annual Candlelight Vigil memorates the March First Movement and the movement for resistance to Japanese colonialism in 1919. This year KASY will hold cussions about the importance of this event and of the significance of traditional festivals such as goo-jung, the Lunar New Year. KASY will work to increase the Yale community's awareness of Korea's current economic crisis and the ongoing famine in North Korea. In collaboration with Han-Ppu-Ri, an organization of Korean nationals at Yale, KASY is working to preserve the Korean language among 1.5 and 2nd generation Koreans. KASY aims at forming strong bonds within its own community, not only for the enjoyment of its members but also for the political and cultural future of Korean America. In addition to large social events such as the Blackout dance in the fall, KASY hosts a variety of activities such as ski trips, movie nights, and study breaks--media through which KASY can become a more close-knit community. All members and nonmembers of KASY alike are invited to these events which will be posted and updated regularly on the Bulletin Board of this webpage. Come and discover the essence of being part of the KASY family. 홈페이지에서는 예일대학교 한인학생회의 소개, 공지사항 및 새소식, 학생회 발간물 Pulse, 회원정보, subgroup 정보를 볼 수 있다. Yale Links, Intercollegiate Organizations and Events, Korean Student Associations at other Colleges, Korean Newspapers on the Web, Korean Entertainment on the Web 등의 링크를 제공한다. david.n.kim@yale.edu
- 주요활동 및 행사