Institut für Metallkunde und Metallphysik, RWTH Aachen
(최초 등록일 2000-12-04)
- 기관/단체 소개
- The Institute of Physical Metallurgy and Metal Physics at the Aachen University of Technology is con-cerned with research on structure and properties of metallic materials. The specific properties of advanced metallic materials are achieved by micro-structure control rather than overall chemistry. Thus, research is focused on microstructure evolution, modelling and control. Cur-rent activities address crystal plasticity, re-crys-talli-zation, grain growth, crystal-lographic textures, phase transformation and computer simulation. For a deeper understanding of the properties of metallic materials there is need for a description of the metallurgical phenomena on the basis of physical models. An important research focus is therefore the simulation of materials behavior on the computer. This research is con-ducted in cooperation with the collaborative research center of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft on „Integral Modelling of Materials“ which is chaired by the institute. The institute will also participate in the „Kompetenzzentrum Prozesssimulation“ of the German federal government, which is proposed to be established in Aachen at the moment. The facilities of the institute include X-ray texture goniometers for ODF measure-ments, X-ray equipment for internal stress measurements, an analytical TEM (JEOL 2000 FX) with EDX and PEELS, a high resolution TEM (JEOL 2000 EX), a SEM (JEOL 6100 and LEO1530) with automated EBSD attachment, several mechanical testing machines for high temperature testing, a computer controlled grain boundary tracking system, vacuum melting and annealing furnaces, laboratory rolling mills, metallography and digital image analysis, a workstation network and the access to supercomputers. A machine shop, electronics laboratory and trained metallurgical engineers allow to design non commercial equipment and to process metallic materials. So the institute can contribute to the envisaged project both with its specialised equipment for the characterisation of materials and a broad experience in physically based materials modelling. Facilities ∙ Computer controlled X-ray texture goniometer for ODF measure-ments ∙ X-ray equipment for internal stress measurements ∙ Analytical TEM (JEOL 2000 FX) with EDX and PEELS ∙ High resolution TEM (JEOL 2000 EX) ∙ SEM (JEOL 6100 and LEO1530) with automated EBSD attachment ∙ Computer controlled mechanical testing machines (Zwick 1484 and Schenck PSB 250) with high temperature, high va-cuum (or inert gas) chamber up to 1600 °C and cold gas quenching device ∙ Computer Controlled Grain Boundary Tracking System ∙ Vacuum melting and annealing furnaces, single crystal furna-ces, salt bath furnaces etc. ∙ Laboratory rolling mills ∙ Computer controlled electrical resistivity measuring systems ∙ Metallography and digital image analysis ∙Access to supercomputers
- 주요활동 및 행사
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