Center for Solid State Electronics Research at Arizona State University
(최초 등록일 2000-12-12)
- 기관/단체 소개
- The Center for Solid State Electronics Research (CSSER) at Arizona State University was established in 1981. The vision was to achieve nothing less than national leadership in the crucial area of solid-state electronics. High technology now directly or indirectly supports one out of every five jobs in Arizona. The Center has exhibited strong and steady growth since those days and currently provides resources and infrastructure for research and education in solid state electronics in the form of 30 laboratories and support areas covering more than 30,000 square foot, including a Class-100 clean room administered and maintained by a complement of 10 staff and 4 student workers. Today, CSSER has 34 active faculty members, 11 post-doctoral researchers and 77 students drawn from various disciplines, including electrical engineering, chemical engineering, bioengineering, materials science, mechanical engineering and industrial engineering. The microelectronics research is focussed in five main cross-disciplinary efforts: Nanostructures; Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) and Optoelectronics; Materials and Process Fundamentals; Low Power Electronics; and Focused Ion Beam research. The mission of the Center is to conduct research, develop technology and provide educational programs that will achieve international leadership in solid state electronics. The following is in line with the Center’s mission: (1) The provision of critical resources and infrastructure, (2) The support and education of quality students, (3) The support of renowned and high-promise research faculty and staff in a cooperative multidisciplinary environment, (4) The maintenance of significant levels of research funding from government and industry sources, (5) The publication and presentation of work in top journals and at leading conferences, (6) The transfer of technology to the commercial sector. Facilities CSSER's research facilities cover more than 30,000 sq.ft. and include office space, a C100/M3.5 cleanroom, and 30 shared and dedicated laboratories. · Dielectric RPCVD: PlasmaQuest · Metal Deposition: Torrvac, CHA, MRC-8617 · Metrology: Nanospec, Woollam Ellipsometer, Rudolph Ellipsometer, Dektak Profilometer, Surfscan 4500, Hewlett Packard I-V and C-V · Plasma Etching: Plasma Lab uP80, Tegal Plasma Line 411, Applied Materials 8830 · RTA: Tamarack, Heat Pulse, Jipelec · Photolithography: Karl Suss Aligner, Canon Aligner, Canon 501 FA Aligner, Ultra Tech 1000WF Stepper · Furnaces: Tempress, Thermco Minibrutes MB-71 · Electrical Characterization: C-V Probe Station, I-V Probe Station, Vacuum Probe Station · Materials Characterization: Hall Station, FTIR System · Photoluminescence: Low-Temp. Photoluminescence · Sample Preparation: Wet Chemistry Bench, Langmuir Blodget · Scanning Electron Microscopy; Scanning Electron Microscope, Cathodoluminescence · Low Grade Processing · Mask Making · Photographic Dark Room · X-Ray Diffraction · Computational Sciences · Luminescence: Mgnetoluminescence · Semiconductor Magnetic Devices: STM/AFM/MFM, Probe Station · Advanced Metallization: Ebeam Evaporator, Vacuum Furnaces · Low Power Electronics: Electrical Probe System · MEMS Chemical Processing · High Speed Testing · Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Control & Simulation Computers, In-situ Ellipsometer, Solid Source Chamber, Dual Chamber VG, MBE Chamber · Optoelectronics Characterization: Photoluminescence, Reflectivity Setup · Optoelectronics Processing Lab · Optoelectronics Test Lab · E-Beam Lithography: Scanning Electron, Microscope with Laser Interferometer · Scanning Auger: Principles and Operations · SPM/CEVE: Ultra High Vacuum Scanning Probe Microscope, Nitrogen Glove Box · Ultra Low Temp Magneto-Transport Lab: Mk Dilution Refrigerator, Super Conducting Magnet · Field Emission SEM: FESEM · Semiconductor Processing · Environmentally Benign Processing
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