
Caltech 대학원 한인 학생회 홈페이지(USA)




캘리포니아 패서디나

기관/단체 소개

Caltech 대학원 한인 학생회 홈페이지입니다. News, Activities, 회원 주소록, Alumni, Guest Book, 유학생 정보, Korean Links, About Caltech 등의 정보가 수록되어 있습니다. Welcome to homepage of the Caltech Korean Graduate Student Association (CKGSA). CKGSA represents korean graduate students, postdoctoral fellows at Caltech. CKGSA aims to help korean community adjust to Caltech and to introduce korean culture and tradition to the Caltech community at large.

+ Caltech 학부 한인학생회 홈페이지 입니다. 각종 공지사항, event 정보, 현 회원 및 동창 명부 등의 정보를 보실 수 있 습니다. The Caltech Korean Students Association (KSA) seeks to advocate and educate awareness of the Korean culture in and around Caltech. This organization has reached out to the Korean community in Los Angeles, for example, to help out at an after-school program. The club also encourages participation in Korean American conferences that aim to raise awareness of cultural roots and identity and of the issues facing Korean American communities in the United States. In addition, the KSA plans social events with other colleges to present more opportunities for Caltech students to meet people.

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* 로그인하시면 소속회원 명단을 보실 수 있습니다.

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