
University of Florida - Korean Student Association




플로리다 게인즈빌

기관/단체 소개
KSA (Korean Student Association at UF) home page The purpose of this page is to provide high-quality information necessary for all Korean students/Scholars/Visiting Family/Residents to live better lifes here in Gainesville, FL USA. This page may also help those newcomers from Korea to get proper information to settle down very well and even quickly. There exists a file in Korean describing what it is like to be a Gator, who can help you when you arrive here, how to get connections to those people, and where to live, etc. NEWS, KSA Members, Activities, Advertisement, Job Search 를 볼 수 있 다. 또한, UF Connections, WWW Servers in Korea, Korean Newspapers, News (in USA), Korean Governments, Korean Entertainments, Computer Shopping (System/Hardware/Software)의 다양한 링크를 제공한다.
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