University of British Columbia 한인 학생회(UBC-KGSA)
2023-02-23 (최초 등록일 2010-03-31)
- 기관/단체 소개
- 캐나다 브리티시컬럼비아주 밴쿠버에 있는 공립 대학교. The University of British Columbia, established in 1908, educates a student population of 50,000 on major campuses in two cities and holds an international reputation for excellence in advanced research and learning. The largest is 30 minutes from the heart of downtown Vancouver, a spectacular campus that is a 'must-see' for any visitor to the city - where snow-capped mountains meet ocean, and breathtaking vistas greet you around every corner. The Vancouver campus boasts some of the city's best attractions and recreation facilities, including the Museum of Anthropology, the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts , the UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research , and endless opportunities to explore forested trails in the adjoining 763-hectare Pacific Spirit Regional Park. Our second major campus is in the dynamic Southern Interior city of Kelowna in the Okanagan Valley. UBC Okanagan, open since 2005, provides an intimate learning community in the spectacular wine-growing region of British Columbia.
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소속회원 0
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