조지아타운 대학교 한인학생회
2023-02-20 (최초 등록일 2007-07-05)
워싱턴 D.C.
- 기관/단체 소개
- The Korean Students Association (KSA) exists to help ease the transition to Georgetown for new students as well as to make students’ Georgetown experience enjoyable. The association compiles and distributes job announcements overseas and in the United States, info about local events, and all other pertinent information that could be of interest to GU Korean Students. The KSA also helps students network both on and off campus. It is important to have you as members of the GU KSA. Your participation in our organization will be mutually beneficial. The KSA is FOR the students. The association would not exist if students did not actively participate. With that in mind, always feel free to contribute to the association in any form. We want to accommodate each and every student so please voice your opinion.
- 주요활동 및 행사
소속회원 0
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