Cornell University 한인학생회(KSA)
2019-01-18 (최초 등록일 2011-04-06)
- 기관/단체 소개
MISSION Enrich the college experience by listening to the needs of students.
TRADITION Foster relationships among students by promoting learning and awareness of Korean culture throughout Cornell.
HERE Enhance the sense of community by planning a variety of social, cultural and political events.
- 주요활동 및 행사
- Career Mentoring
Winter mentoring session listen to and talk to Korean Cornell Alumni who have careers in various fields: marketing, finance, consulting, biotechnology, manufacturing, venture, architecture, design...
Freshmen Initiation
A gathering to learn about different student organizations and see what to expect during your first year.
Winter Formal
Events for students to enjoy delicious food with musical performances to bring out the Christmas atmosphere.ON Enrich the college experience
by listening to the needs of students.
TRADITION Foster relationships among students by promoting learning and awareness of Korean culture throughout Cornell.
HERE Enhance the sense of community by planning a variety of social, cultural and political events.
소속회원 0
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