McGill University 한인 학생회(KSS)
2023-02-17 (최초 등록일 2010-03-31)
- 기관/단체 소개
- To briefly introduce ourselves, KSS is the most deeply rooted and historically involved Korean representative club within McGill University. As KSS, our ambition and goal is to not only provide useful academic information, but to also develop a strong relationship between peers. To support this cause, we will be hosting a variety of events such as OT and MT to further strengthen our connection with McGill students. For those who have not yet fully decided on your enrolment within McGill, this KSS Freshmen page will allow for communication and interaction between new members and executives. The whole purpose of this page is for this communication to take place, so please, if you have any questions whatsoever regarding McGill or KSS, please do not hesitate to ask. For those who have decided on enrolment, this page will hopefully allow for members to get to know one another as well as communicate with executives to prepare for university. As freshmen, we understand that this whole “university” thing is daunting and confusing at first, which is why we will be sharing useful tips and information about attending McGill.
- 주요활동 및 행사