City University 한인 학생회(CUKS)
2017-11-10 (최초 등록일 2010-04-06)
- 기관/단체 소개
- Our aim is to serve as a medium of social and academic interaction for all Korean undergraduate and graduate students within the university, and also to promote Korea and Korean culture to the students of non-Korean origin. Over the next year, we plan to hold various activities, some of them in conjunction with the Faculty of East Asian Studies and Cambridge East Asian Cultural Society. In addition to these great social and academic activities, we will host a number of recruitment events, which will help our members in deciding their future career paths. We will advertise and invite various recruitment dinners organised by both Korean and multi-national companies from different industries. All these events will be announced via email, so please check your email regularly.
- 주요활동 및 행사