Caltech Korean Graduate Student Association (CKGSA)
2023-02-20 (최초 등록일 2011-03-25)
캘리포니아 패서디나
- 기관/단체 소개
- 칼텍 대학원 한인학생회입니다. Welcome to the Caltech Korean Graduate Student Association (CKGSA) homepage. The CKGSA represents the Caltech Korean community at or above the graduate student level (60+ members, including graduate students, post doctoral fellows, and research scientists). CKGSA aims to help Korean community adjust to Caltech and to introduce Korean culture to the Caltech community at large. If you want to support CKGSA or have a question, please contact ckgsa [dot] president [at] gmail [dot] com. We are kindly supported by LG Chem, KT, and Samsung Techwin. News, Activities, 회원 주소록, Alumni, Guest Book, 유학생 정보, Korean Links, About Caltech 등의 정보가 수록되어 있 습니다.
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