The University of New South Wales KPSA
2023-02-17 (최초 등록일 2013-08-28)
- 기관/단체 소개
- The University of New South Wales (UNSW) is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities. Established in 1949, it is ranked in the top 100 universities worldwide and renowned for the quality of its graduates and its world class research. The Korean Postgraduate Student Association (KPSA) at UNSW is non-profit organisation committed to build a tight-knit community for postgraduate students, post doctoral fellows and visiting researchers. Since establishment in 2005, the UNSW KPSA has grown to one of the largest Korean Postgraduate Student Associations in Australia.
- 주요활동 및 행사
- The main purposes of the UNSW KPSA are to welcome and help the early settlement of new student and visiting researchers into UNSW. We also host a number of social networking events such as new student welcoming party, farewell party, Korean Thanksgiving Day party, sports events, Lunar New Year party and BBQ party throughout the year. In addition to the sociallising activities, Beyond Boundary Seminar (BBS) is held every month by volunteer members. The aim of the KPSA BBS is to provide a forum for postgraduate students to present their work and interact with those who have never been exposed to other academic or industrial areas. Moreover, we support postgraduate students for their future career by holding recruiting sessions.
All members and prospective members are welcome to attend any events organised by the UNSW KPSA.
For further information about the UNSW KPSA, please visit our webpage on or email to the KPSA’s executive at