1. Base Research Line
- to research and enhance softcomputing techniques, which are artificial neural network, evolutionary computation, fuzzy system, artificial life and so on.
- to combine the softcomputing techniques and the traditional artificial intelligence techniques.
- to develop the systems that solve the more complex real problems efficiently
2. Research Area
- Intelligent Agent: Robotics, Ubiquitous Computing, A-Life
- Pattern Recognition: Biometrics, Bioinformatics, IDS
- Evolutionary Game (IPD, Board Game), Evolvable Systems, etc
3. Research Topics
- Intelligent Robots
- Bayesian inference and design technique for uncertain scene recognition
- Combination Image filtering and Bayesian inference
- Navigation technique research for autonomous mobile robot
- Evolving a mobile robot controller
- Intelligent Agent
- Intelligent virtual secretary agent
- Conversational agent
- Intelligent assistants for smart phone service
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics: the collection, classification, storage, and analysis of biochemical and biological information using computers especially as applied in molecular genetics and genomics
- Classification techniques in Bioinformatics
- Agent driven virtual cell modeling
- Biometrics
- Analysis and evaluation techniques of fingerprint recognition system
- Development of classification and matching algorithm for fingerprint recognition
- Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
- HMM-based intrusion detection system
- Generation of various intrusion patterns using interactive genetic algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm for intrusion type identification
- Rule-based integration of multiple measure-models