


Chemistry plays a central role in providing solutions at the molecular level for many challenging problems of energy, health, and environmental issues. Recently, nano science has provided instrumental tools in solving the above problems. In line with such trends,
Ewha Womans University initiated the Department of Chemistry and Nano Science in 2008 by merging the previous Department of Chemistry with Division of Nano Science.
The department has been selected as a strategic program at Ewha since 2002 and has developed into an internationally distinguished program by providing state-of-the-art instruments and excellent education, as well as recruiting top ranked faculty members.

In particular, the graduate program of our Department of Chemistry and Nano Science has been recognized to rank within the top 5 programs among all Chemistry Departments in Korea since 2003 based on the evaluation by the Korean Research Foundation. We hosted external funding resources including Brain Korea 21, Science Research Center (SRC), one Creative Research Center, five National Research Laboratories, and many
competitive research projects.

Currently, 27 faculties and 308 undergraduate students, 93 graduate students, 11 research professors, and 19 postdoctoral fellows are working in the active research areas including analytical chemistry, biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, polymer chemistry, nano-material/property/device science, and nanobiotechnology. Many of exciting research topics pursued by faculty members include currently challenging chemical disciplines in nanomaterials, biomaterials, energy, and green chemistry. The excellence in research is recognized worldwide with competitive publications in high-profile research journals such as Science, Nature Chemistry, Nature Chemical Biology, Ang. Chem. Int. Ed., and J. Am. Chem. Soc., etc. Many state-ofthe-art instruments including transmission electron microscope (TEM), FE-scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), mass-spectrophotometer, NMR (500 MHz), fluorescence spectrophotometer,
microcalorimeter, circular dichroism spectrophotometer, among others are available in our

Most of the graduate courses are offered in English and all the graduate students have
full tuition support.




이화여자대학교 (학교)


02-3277-4305 http://nano.ewha.ac.kr


최진호 sellybrown80@hanmail.net

소속회원 0