Our main research area is designing and characterization of the functionalized interface on various substrates for the applications in biosensors and in the area of the nanobio-technology.
We specialized in surface functionalization with specifically designed materials either on flat solid substrates or nano sized surfaces of metal, semiconductors, and inorganic crystal by utilizing two major techniques for ultra-thin film fabrication; self-assembled monolayer (SAM) and Langmuir-Blodgettt (LB) techniques. By SAM, surfaces of the metal nanoparticles, various solid substrate, and metal/semi-conductor nanorods were functionalized by small organic linker molecules, peptides, oligonucleotides for sensor chip fabrication for Lab-on-a Chip application. For precise control of surface density, structure, orientation and composition of assembled single molecules or nanomaterials on the surface, LB technique has been used in my research projects more than 15 years.
We also design optimized surfaces for several purposes- more sensible and target-specific surfaces for the sensor applications, and bio-compatible and fuctionalized with bio-materials for implants and nano-devises. We equipped various instruments for construction and characterization of the surface and interface including SPM, SEM for its morphological observation and FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy polarized optical microscopy, Brewster angle microscopy, fluorescence microscope and UV-vis/NIR spectrometer for chemical composition and structural analysis. For electrochemical analysis and fabrication of the nanorod and thin films, two electroanalytical systems (potentiometer, coulometer) and 4 LB troughs are used in my laboratory.
Our current research topics are
(1) Development of biosensors : Immobilization and characterization of the bio-materials on the biochip surface for LOC application.
(2) Development of fabrication technology for Nanomechanic devices utilizing CNTs and nanoparticles/nanorods : Fabrication of electronic and nano-mechanic devices for SPM, nano ink and patterned multi-layered structure with chemically modified and purified CNTs.
(3) Development of the Bio compatible dental implant: Surface modification TiO2 dental implant using biomimetic materials to facilitate healing process and to allow the implant surgery to the patients with low bone density.
(4) Fabrication and evaluation of nanorods : Development of multi-layer nanorods of metal/semiconductor/polymer for sensor and nano-medical applications.