The Distributed Control and Autonomous Systems Laboratory (DCASL) seeks to design intelligent systems based on cutting-edge technologies in the areas of multi-agent system theories, learning theories, intelligent control, embedded systems, wireless sensor network, and distributed perception network. The general research interests of DCASL include robotics, indoor localization, pattern recognition, control engineering, and aerospace system engineering including attitude control and attitude estimation. The DCASL particularly tries to establish a research group for (i) designing mobile/airborne robot systems for the applications to home automation, remote sensing, satellite formation flying, and ubiquitous surveillance sensor network; (ii) developing learning control theory via pattern recognition, event understanding, and image learning; (iii) solving robustness problems along the learning domain considering stochastic noises, model uncertainty, and data dropout; (iv) studying nonlinear control systems in state domain; and (v) building intelligent robotic space based on ubiquitous sensor networks such as ZigBee, UWB, RFID, and WLAN. We are currently constructing an experimental test platform for artificial robot and bio-insect interactions.