The Institute on Membrane Technology (ITM) is a research organization created by the National Research Council (CNR) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) for the support and development, at national and international level, of membrane science and technology. Its head office and laboratories are located in the existing structure of the University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza) with a research unit in Padova.
The Institute has 28 units of permanent staff and about 60 temporary units represented by visiting professors, associate professors, Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellowships, high - educational fellowships coming from national and international Institutions.
Its main research activities concern:
synthesis of new artificial membranes with catalytic and transport properties, and molecular separations; membranes in artificial organs and
biotechnologies; catalytic materials and membranes for hydrogen fuel cells; new materials for hydrogen production, purification and storage; catalysts for chemio-, regio and stereo-selective production of fine chemicals; catalysts for oxidation of organic composites through oxygen or hydrogen
peroxide; products and high-tech industrial processes; prototype development and technological transfer of advanced membraneoperations; advanced research training and technological transfer.
It is a multidisciplinary Institute based on backgrounds in chemical engineering, process engineering, chemistry, biological science, food science, material science and physics.
ITM is involved in various national research projects (e.g. Programma Nazionale di Ricerca Chimica, Programma Nazionale di Ricerca Industria Tessile, Piano Nazionale Agro-Alimentare, etc.), in projects sponsored by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (e.g. FIRB), by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (e.g. Legge 401/90), by the Calabria Region , etc. It is also involved in international research projects financed by the European Union through the FP5 and FP6 (e.g. Energy, Brite Euram, Inco-Copernicus, INTAS, AIR, etc.).
The Institute has a significant number of collaborations and agreements with various industrial organizations, such as Technip Italy SpA, Biofil, Procter & Gamble, Ausimont SpA, ENEL, KTI, Tecnoprogetti Industriale, CONSER SpA, OSAS, Dornier, Pantochim, Carbon Membrane Ltd, GVS, Renco SpA, Barilla, Citrech, UFI Filters SpA, etc.
Bilateral international agreements, which mainly concern researchers exchange, have been established with European Countries, e.g. Spain, France, The Netherlands, Slovakia, Poland.
Formal bilateral and multilateral agreements with Japan, South Korea, China, Russia, France, Morocco, and Egypt are also in progress.
The Institute is also involved in the sponsoring and organization of many different Conferences and Workshops.