▣ Development and characterization of biosensors for environmental toxicity monitoring using recombinant bacteria
- Development of recombinant bioluminescence bacteria for oxidative and DNA damage monitoring
- Classification of mode of genotixic action using recombinant bioluminescence bacteria from common DNA damage inducers
▣ Development of biochip and cell array chip for toxicity monitoring
- Development of optically coded functional microbeads to make randomly distributed arrays
- Development of cell array biochip for genotoxicity monitoring: Geno-Tox
▣ Large-scale Drosophila dsRNA screening for identification of novel DNA damage responses
- Optimization of large-scale Drosophila dsRNA screening protocols
- Toxicity assessment to find the synergetic points using chemo-radio combination treatment
▣ Foodborne pathogen detection using DNA microarray and Nanobiosensor
- Development and optimization of DNA microarray to detect foodborne pathogen using non-sequenced genomic probes
- Detection and quantification of Salmonella Typhimurium using NanoGene assay in Food Samples
전북대학교 (학교)
063-270-2436 http://che.chonbuk.ac.kr/~jihomin
민지호 p5j8y@chonbuk.ac.kr