

미세나노 복잡유체연구실

* Research Fields Physicochemical Micro/Nanofluidics - Principles of Electrokinetic Microfluidics & Nanofluidics - Microflow Visualization and Single Molecule Imaging - BioMEMS (μTAS, Microchip Electrophoresis), Chip Fabrication and Micromachining Complex Fluids Suspension - Static (Long-Range Interaction), Transport, and Rheological Properties in Confined Spaces - Molecular Simulations (e.g., Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics, Brownian Dynamics and their Hybrid Scheme) of Colloids and Polyelectrolytes * Selected Journal Papers (during the last four years) - M.-S. Chun, C. Kim, D. Lee, “Conformation and diffusion of a xanthan polyelectrolyte chain: Brownian dynamics simulation and single molecule imaging”, Phys. Rev. E, 79, 051919 (2009.5) - B.D. Chin, M.-S. Chun, H.H. Winter, “Modulus-Switching Viscoelasticity of Electrorheological Networks", Rheologica Acta, 48, 177 (2009.3) - J.S. Kwon, J.S. Maeing, M.S. Chun, S. Song, “Improvement of microchannel geometry subject to electrokinesis and dielectrophoresis using numerical simulations”, Microfluidics Nanofluidics, 5, 23-31 (2008.7) - M.-S. Chun, I. Lee, "Rigorous estimation of effective protein charge from experimental electrophoretic mobilities for proteomics analysis using microchip electrophoresis", Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 318, 191 (2008.4) - J. Jeon, M.-S. Chun, “Wall charge effects on structural properties of a coarse-grained FENE polyelectrolyte confined in slit nanochannels by Brownian dynamics simulation”, Korea-Australia Rheology J., 19, 51 (2007.8) - J. Jeon, M.-S. Chun, “Structure of flexible and semiflexible polyelectrolyte chains in confined spaces of slit micro/nano-channels”, J. Chem. Phys., 126, 154904 (2007.4) - M.-S. Chun, M.S. Shim, N.W. Choi, “Fabrication and validation of a multi-channel type microfluidic chip for electrokinetic streaming potential devices", Lab Chip, 6, 302 (2006.2) - M.-S. Chun, S.W. Lee, “Flow imaging of dilute colloidal suspension in PDMS-based microfluidic chip using fluorescence microscopy”, Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 267, 86 (2005.10) - W. Lee, H. Lee, M.-S. Chun, "Surface Functional Group Effect on Atomic Force Microscope Anodization Lithography", Langmuir, 21, 8839 (2005.9)




한국과학기술연구원 (연구소)



전명석 mschun@kist.re.kr