The Sony Spirit consists of 'Emotions', 'Dreams' and 'Innovations'. Based on these spirits, Sony R&D strives for 'Creating new value'.
Sensing Systems Laboratory is operating here in Germany as one of the Sony Corporate R&D Laboratories. We are pursuing our R&D activities by taking advantage of our unique location in Europe.
Our department, established in 1995 as the Wireless Systems Laboratory, has spurred the European R&D activities at Sony in wireless communication technologies. We successfully promoted our R&D results in various collaborative European R&D projects, and also contributed to European and global standards.
Since late 2008 we have been pursuing our new direction as Sensing Systems Laboratory by exploiting our technology competencies, especially in the area of millimeter/sub-millimeter wave electromagnetic spectrum. Our mother laboratory located in Japan is focusing on intelligence technologies as one of the priority areas. We are also pursuing this area by using our competencies. We are excited to be engaged in researching new technologies, which can contribute to creating new business.
(기업 및 산업체)
0176-8103-2971 http://www.stuttgart.sony.de/home/departments/ssl.html
S. Saito -@-