Cost effective, agile and high quality production are three major issues in current manufacturing. The objectives are tackled through computer integrated and automation technology such as production oriented CAM and high speed CNC machine tools. In this regard, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Laboratory (AMTL) was established at department of mechanical engineering of Yeungnam University in 1995.
The main goal is to advance the state of the art in manufacturing through research aimed at developing the industry-required technology. Our scope of the research is product oriented CAM, reverse engineering and rapid tooling, high speed machine tools, high speed machining, traditional and micro machining. The laboratory has many facilities such as followings: high-speed machining centers, laser interferometer, telescopic ball bar, tool dynamometer, tool microscope, and many computer systems installing commercial CAD/CAM software.
Most of the funds received by the laboratory are used to provide financial assistance for Master's and Doctoral students working on thesis projects related to advanced manufacturing technology. The majority of the ongoing research projects are prompted by the current needs of the production industry. Three critical factors in the above technology have been the industrial sponsors, the highly motivated students, and their interaction. As we strive to improve and build upon our research efforts, the interaction must be maintained and enhanced. Therefore, we actively seek industrial support and participation.