Welcome to the Computational Neuroscience Lab. (CNL) at the Daegu National University of Education (DNUE) and the Institute for Computational Neuroscience in S. Korea, which are directed by Drs. S.-Y. Kim and W. Lim. Our main concern is to study Coherent Population Dynamics in Complex Neural Networks. Particularly, we investigate emergence of Sparsely Synchronized Cognitive Brain Rhythms (e.g., gamma rhythm, ultrafast rhythm, beta rhythm) with sparse and stochastic neural firings which are associated with diverse cognitive functions such as sensory perception, multisensory binding, selective attention, memory formation and consolidation, and movement preparation and inhibition.
강원대학교 (학교)
033-250-8469 http://www.kangwon.ac.kr/~ndcs/
김상윤 sykim@kangwon.ac.kr