

Neural Circuit and Behavior Lab

In our laboratory at KAIST we are interested in exploring the molecular and cellular basis of cognitive function and dysfunction in the brain. A major goal in neurobiology is to understand how neural circuits support specific brain functions and how neural circuits are modified by experiences, and altered in neurological disease and disorders. We focus on identifying neuronal populations related with cognitive functions and characterizing their functions in the brains with normal function or mental disorders. To achieve our research goal, we employ a wide range of technical approaches including molecular biology, viral vector-mediated in vivo gene transfer, stereotaxic brain surgery, cellular imaging of neural activity, neural circuit tracing, pharmacological analysis and animal behavior tests. We hope that our research efforts will contribute to extend our understanding how neural circuits support a variety of brain functions that underlie behaviors and to develop better treatments for brain diseases.




한국과학기술원 (학교)



한진희 han.jinhee@kaist.ac.kr

소속회원 0