The Propulsion and Combustion Research Program began in 1985. Since then, a great amount of efforts have been exerted on developing the numerical tool which solves the radiative transfer equation in order to deal with thermal radiation. Then, it was combined with another numerical tool which solves the combustion phenomena occurring in the Mechanical as well as Aerospace Engineering in order to investigate the effects of thermal radiation on physical aspects in combustion processes. Thereafter, the experimental work was incorporated with numerical one for its validation. Principal research done so far includes the gray/nongray radiation-affected combustion phenomena in the area of homogeneous/heterogeneous ignition, inar/turbulent reacting flows in combustor or furnace, spray combustion in liquid rocket motor, gas turbine combustion, waste incineration, ignition transient in solid rocket motor, subsonic/supersonic combustion in ramjet and scramjet engines and etc. Based on these experiences, our research interests NOW expand to Inverse Heat Transfer problem regarding conduction, convection and radiation; Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo method to cover the rarefied as well as continuum flow region.
#Evaporation/Combustion Process of Single Droplet Inside the Rapid Compression Machine #Radiation in Complex Geometry #DSMC Analysis #Numerical Simulation of Combustion in Rocket Moter and Supersonic Nozzle flow #Evaporation and Combustion of Liquid Droplet in High-Pressure Environment