Smart Sensor Architecture Laboratory [SSAL] pursues advanced research on 3D IC-based smart sensor systems, where smart means intelligent, compact and energy-aware. Applications include surveillance, vehicular black box, ubiquitous data collector, and health-monitoring apparatus such as capsule endoscope. Research focus is on the design of hardware architecture and operating system algorithm for the smart sensor system platform. It also includes energy-aware video codec design considering signal distortion and data rate as well as energy-aware design of smart sensor system with trade-off among power, distortion and data rate. 3D IC-based hardware platform consists of many(multi)-core tier, stacked L-2/L-3 cache, and interconnecting bus or NoC(Network on Chip), along with dynamic energy-aware strategies for task mapping/scheduling, data mapping and routing. SSAL operates in teamworked efforts based on universal sensor system development platform with proper technology roadmap and working scenarios for each research item, which is essential to accomplish this goal.