

wireless communication systems lab.

Wireless Communication Systems Lab. (WCSL) carries out advanced research on academic and technological fronts in wireless communications. We identify theoretical capacity and performance limits and thereof rooms to improve, and investigate advanced techniques for the improvement. Our research methodologies exploit many advanced analytical tools in matrix theory, analysis, statistics and probability theory, optimization theory, and information theory. We find our theoretical applications to network MIMO, cooperative communications, compressive sensing, and interference management for the advance of wireless communications. WCSL is led by Prof. Wan Choi who is the recipient of IEEE Vehi. Techn. Society Jack Neubauer Memorial Award in 2002, IEEE Vehi. Techn. Society Dan Noble Fellowship Award in 2006, and IEEE Comm. Society Asia Pacific Young Researcher Award in 2007. He serves as associate editors for IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications and IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology. 




한국과학기술원 (학교)



최완 wchoi@ee.kaist.ac.kr

소속회원 0