

로봇 자동화 실험실

A flea, the world best jumping creature, jumps about 100 times its body length. Jumping is very efficient locomotion for small creatures like a flea to overcome terrestrial obstacles. This inspired us to develop FLEA: Flea-inspired Light jumping robot using Elastic catapult with Active storage and release mechanism. We actively tried to take advantage of the mechanism of flea's elastic catapult; joint torque generated by main muscle is reversed by trigger muscle. The cuticle of a flea is realized with Kapton film and glass fiber by the smart composite microstructure (SCM) process. The biological muscle and elastic element, or resilin, are replaced as a shape memory alloy springs. The flea-inspired catapult mechanism, novel manufacturing process, and smart actuator technology created synergy effect, which leads to extremely down-sized jumping robot: 1.1g weight and 2cm body length. The robot has four bar legs which is optimized to reduce redundant rotation thus maximize the speed at take-off. It can overcome an obstacle 32 times its body length.




서울대학교 (학교)



박종우 fcp@snu.ac.kr

소속회원 0