

전파공학 연구실

Nowadays the research on the electromagnetics and high frequency circuits is actively performed because of the increasing demands on the miniaturized, light-weighted, and high-quality circuits for wireless and mobile communications. Also, the research approached from the electromagnetic point of view is required to find out the effects of the interconnecting lines/packaging on the very large scale integrated circuits performance with high speed signals since the mutual interference between the lines becomes critical to low-voltage/low-power circuits' noise margin. Therefore, the main research areas of our laboratory consist of two parts. One is the analysis of the electromagnetic wave and the other is the microwave/RF circuits analysis/design.
  In the area of RF/microwave circuit design, we have emphasis on development of high-performance circuits through the profound consideration of the operation principles of RF circuits(power amplifier, oscillator, frequency mixer and duplexer etc.) used in the RF systems of PCS, wireless LAN and, satellite communication. Also the design of MMIC is included in our research areas.




서울대학교 (학교)


02-880-7284 http://ael.snu.ac.kr/


남상욱 snam@ee.snu.ac.kr