

Park Research

Nanoscale Electronics, Optoelectronics, and Plasmonics
Nanometer-sized materials represent a natural size limit of the miniaturization trend of current technolgy, and they exhibit physical and chemica lproperties significantly different from their bulk counterparts. The Park group is developing cutting-edge experimental methods to incorporate individual molecules and nanostructures into electronic, optoelectronic, and plasmonic devices. Using these methods, he is characterizing their behaviors in detail to gain insights about their behavior and exploring the potential of these devices for future technological applications.

Nanoscale Tools for Cell and Neurobiology
The Park group is also using his nanoscience expertise to develop new nano- and microelectronic tools that can interface with live cells, cell networks, and living organisms. Specifically, he is investigating vertical nanowire arrays as a platform to perturb cellular functions in a massively parallel, arrayed fashion, and patch-clamp and nanowire arrays for recording real-time dynamics of in vitro and in vivo neuronal ensembles. These tools will impact a broad range of high-throughput discovery efforts in biology and help scientists to unravel the design principles of complex cellular networks.







Jeff Creson creson@chemistry.harvard.edu

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