

Kim Lab

Dr. Il-Jin Kim has focused his career on three important cancer-related areas: 1) cancer genetics and genomics, 2) early detection and 3) cancer prevention. Dr. Kim has published approximately 55 papers in these areas. He has also been granted three patents for mutation detection methods. Projects included in these areas include: genetic screening in hereditary (familial) cancers to distinguishing carriers from non-carriers, development of new genetic screening methods for cancer prevention, and genome-wide gene expression microarray analysis.

In 2012, it is estimated there will be 226,160 new cases of lung cancer in the U.S. and 160,340 deaths. Standard treatments are generally ineffective and five-year survival is a dismal 16%. New molecularly-targeted therapies hold great promise, but work only on patients who have the mutation the drug targets. Mutation screening is therefore essential.

Current projects in the Kim Lab include:

Cancer Genetics and Genomics.
Early Detection.
Cancer Prevention.





University of California San Francisco (학교)



Il Jin Kim kimij@cc.ucsf.edu

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