

김승 연구실

Research in our laboratory focuses on the developmental biology of the pancreas, a vital organ with endocrine and exocrine functions in the vertebrate digestive tract. We seek to understand the mechanisms that govern growth and differentiation of progenitor or stem cells that generate the different cell types comprising the pancreas. Some of the pathways active during embryogenesis also regulate pancreatic growth and function during adulthood, and we are studying the genetics and role of cell interactions in growth control of the mature pancreas. One goal of our work is to translate our studies into novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for common pancreatic disease states in humans, particularly diabetes mellitus and pancreatic cancer.

To help us pursue these goals, we are actively collaborating with other Stanford faculty, particularly Drs. Roel Nusse, Gerald Crabtree, Joanna Wysocka and Irving Weissman. In addition, we have regular joint group meetings with laboratories of the UCSF Diabetes Center led by Drs. Matthias Hebrok and Michael German.




스탠포드 대학교 (학교)



Seung Kim seungkim@stanford.edu

소속회원 0