Our lab is funded mostly by grants from Cancer Research UK (the biggest cancer charity in the world). The lab has a maximum number of 14 researchers. The ratio varies between PhD students and postdocs but the majority tends to be postdocs. Members of the lab come from all over the world. We have had lab members from France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Belgium, Cyprus, Albania, Turkey, South Africa, USA, Australia, Canada, Italy, Poland, Brazil and Indonesia as well as from the UK. If you want to know where these people ended up after they left the lab please look at here. The vast majority of postdocs have gone on to get their own lab or equivalent and most PhD students have gone on to do postdocs. Find out more about Tony Kouzarides
Our research focuses on the regulation of chromatin during the process of transcription (See Research and Publications). We have regular Friday lab meetings where we discuss the science currently going on, and annual retreats where we discuss the type of science questions we should be addressing.
+441-2233-4088 http://www.gurdon.cam.ac.uk/~kouzarideslab/index.html
Tony Kouzarides t.kouzarides@gurdon.cam.ac.uk