Welcome all of you. Here, the homepage of Multidimensional Insight Lab. (다차원융합 연구실), in Electrical and Electronic Department, Yonsei University. Under the director of prof. Sanghoon Lee, 9 Ph.D. and 6 M.S candidates and several B.S. students taking the undergraduate course (창의졸업연구) are involving in the research for the development of innovative technologies. The research topics are dynamically changed on the line of the projection of future vision such as 3D quality assessment, 3D medical image processing, 3D image reconstruction, 3D clouding computing, MIMO (multi-input multi-output). wireless adhoc networking, cross-layer optimization. Each member can select their own field with lots of degree of freedom. As the research product, the members have intensively collaborated with Prof. Lee and published prestigious SCI journals. For the collaboration with foreign famous research institutes, our Lab. makes a close collaboration with Dr. Bovik in University of Texas at Austin. Moreover, not only academic research, but also a lot of interaction with industry, we are pursuing high quality research in terms of commercial production. For more alive membership among members, we have played basketball so often and prof. Lee is one of key players as well. In the winter season, we go to the ski resort for MT (membership training).
#3D Quality Assessment #3D Reconstruction #Multimedia #Wireless Network