


Nano Structural Research Laboratory: In the field of synthesis of nanowires, fabrication of various nanowires such as Si, SiGe, Ge, GaN, ZnO nanowires and growth mechanisms of such nanowires have been studied. In research for biosensors, cancer diagnosis sensors and neurodevices have been studying with Si nanowires. With Si nanowires having several 10s nanometer of diameters, cancer diagnosis sensors with ultra-high sensitivity are fabricated. In addition, neurodevices that are expected to help us to understand the network of nerve system have been developing. In the field of Spintronics, DMS(Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor) nanowires has been researching. The perspective of simultaneously manipulating the charge and spin of a single semiconductor medium leads to the exciting area of spintronics. The most promising candidate for such applications is the diluted magnetic semiconductor called DMS. Meanwhile, nanowires are assumed to be the most suitable system to explore the origin of ferromagnetism since they have no influence from substrates and no defects. Nanowires doped with magnetic elements have been studied to achieve spin injection into nanowires as well as understand the origin of magnetism. GaN and SiGe nanowires doped with Cu or Mn are under studying. In research for nanodevices, various nano-scaled devices based on nanowires are under studying. As scaling of device progressed, it requires inevitably high performance, low power, and simple integraion. Nanowires are expected to be a good candidate for such nanodevices.

#Nanostructure synthesis #Advanced Electrical Application #Optical Application #Spintronics Application #Energy Application




연세대학교 (학교)



최헌진 hjc@yonsei.ac.kr

소속회원 0