생체재료화학을 주로 다루는 실험실입니다.
Our LAB. is
located in department of biotechnology research building at Chung-Ang university. Tae-Il Son, professor at department of
biotechnology, is the leader of our LAB.. Our research is
devoted to the biomedical application of biopolymers that has
natural origin. Biopolymers, we are interested in, include
chitosan, collagen and poly (γ-glutamic acid). The main
advantage of natural polymers is their great biocompatibility
compared with synthetic polymers. The modification of natural
polymers to give them new function and the fabrication of hydrogels using natural polymers are the
main focus of our research.
중앙대학교 (학교)
02-670-3065 http://build.cau.ac.kr/biomaterials/
손태일 tisohn@cau.ac.kr