

Dr. Sohrabji and Dr. Reddy

Stroke and epilepsy as a gender viased disease

Research Interests

My research program focuses on brain-immune interactions regulated by estrogen and its implications for neuro-inflammatory diseases such as stroke in women. Additionally, I am also interested in estrogen’s interactions with other endogenous and environmental endocrine mediators, including Vitamin D hormone and the peptide hormone Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-1. Our current studies use an animal model to examine age and sex differences in recovery from stroke, focusing at the cellular level on the endothelium and astrocytes, which are the principal components of the blood brain barrier. At the molecular level, we are examining sex and age differences in miRNA and epigenetic markers, with a view to developing biomarkers for diseases and uncovering new therapeutic targets.

I serve as the Director of the Women’s Health in Neuroscience Program at the College of Medicine and on the steering committee of the Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium (TARCC).  

I also participate in graduate training as a member of the faculty in the Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience.




Texas A&M University (학교)



Farida Sohrabji mpark33@gmail.com

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