We are supervised by Prof. Sukmin Chung. Vacuum physics and technology have a strong impact on surface physics. In order to get information about intrinsic properties of the paticular solid, the experiment has to be performed under extreme high vacuum ( XHV ) conditions on a freshly prepared clean sample surface. Because of the surface sensitivity, the slightest contamination on the surface would modify the result. The current situation may be likened to the early days of surface science, before ultra-high vacuum ( UHV ) was available. Much of what was learned then had to be revised radically when cleaner surfaces could be prepared. In a similar way, these are the early days of XHV-based surface science. Once XHV-based surface physics comes of age, it may be necessary to revise many of the results on UHV-based surface physics reported to date. Therefore, XHV technique is a necessary tool used by the experimenter to provide the proper environment not only in nanometer science and technology but also in surface physics. |
포항공과대학교 (학교)
054-279-5844 http://www-ph.postech.ac.kr/~vacuum/english
정석민 smc@postech.ac.kr