Taxol as a potent anticancer agent can be produced from Taxus spp. After the monumental discovery of Taxomyces andreanae by Dr. Gary Strobel at Montana State University in 1993, many fungi have been identified as taxol-producing endophytic fungi. Our group also discovers many taxol-producing fungal species isolated from the leaves and flesh of Taxus spp. and of many plant species. One major obstacle for the production of taxol from the endophytic fungi is the unstable production of taxol, therefore, our group is searching the alternative methodology to stabilize the production of taxol from endophytic fungi. We are also trying to elucidate the genes in the taxol biosynthetic pathway from the endophytes.
We are also searching for the mechanism of plant responses to blue light, red light and darkness. We are working on the model system as tomato fruits and soybean sprouts. Our finding for the delaying ripening of tomato fruits by blue light (Dhakal and Baek, 2015) is the first report on the role of a specific wavelength on fruit ripening. Furthermore, red light wavelength increases disease resistance in soybean sprouts. We are using various molecular tools including molecular biology, metabolomics and proteomics to elucidate the mechanism for plants in response to various wavelength. The isolated genes will be verified the roles by overexpressing or suppressing the gene expression. Based on our research, we are proposing blue-light and darkness as the facilitating factors for youth and oldness, respectively.
식물에 대한 다양한 연구, LED를 이용한 생물 공학, 식물과 내생미생물을 이용한 대사물질, Texol 등의 생산, CLp 유전자 공학등
We are also searching for the mechanism of plant responses to blue light, red light and darkness. We are working on the model system as tomato fruits and soybean sprouts. Our finding for the delaying ripening of tomato fruits by blue light (Dhakal and Baek, 2015) is the first report on the role of a specific wavelength on fruit ripening. Furthermore, red light wavelength increases disease resistance in soybean sprouts. We are using various molecular tools including molecular biology, metabolomics and proteomics to elucidate the mechanism for plants in response to various wavelength. The isolated genes will be verified the roles by overexpressing or suppressing the gene expression. Based on our research, we are proposing blue-light and darkness as the facilitating factors for youth and oldness, respectively.
식물에 대한 다양한 연구, LED를 이용한 생물 공학, 식물과 내생미생물을 이용한 대사물질, Texol 등의 생산, CLp 유전자 공학등