본 연구소는 현재 전 세계적으로 관심을 받고 있는 X-선 자유전자 레이저 (XFEL) 시설 중 하나로써 2017년 가동을 목표로 건설 중에 있다. 이는 다른 XFEL 시설과 비교하여 수백배 이상 향상된 고반복도와 짧은 X-선 파장을 가지는 장점이 있다. 이를 활용하여 초고속, 초미세, 극한상태 연구를 중점적으로 수행할 예정이며 MID 그룹은 결맞음 회절 이미징 기법 및 광자상광법을 활용하여 초고속 동역학 연구를 집중적으로 수행할 계획이다.
Accessing the nano-structure of condensed matter with high time resolution is one of the primary goals of the MID instrument. This will be possible through conventional X-ray scattering experiments with high time resolution or by taking advantage of the outstanding coherence properties of the SASE radiation. Structural dynamics will become accessible down to 220 ns (in multi-exposure mode) and down into the ps regime by employing split-delay techniques or by special linac filling patterns. This opens up new experimental possibilities in numerous scientific fields.
Accessing the nano-structure of condensed matter with high time resolution is one of the primary goals of the MID instrument. This will be possible through conventional X-ray scattering experiments with high time resolution or by taking advantage of the outstanding coherence properties of the SASE radiation. Structural dynamics will become accessible down to 220 ns (in multi-exposure mode) and down into the ps regime by employing split-delay techniques or by special linac filling patterns. This opens up new experimental possibilities in numerous scientific fields.