

Smith lab /Cancer signalling & Structural biology


Our research philosophy is inclined towards data-driven approaches that lead to directed analyses of key, disease-driven questions. We aim to advance novel biophysical, structural and cell-based approaches to quantify and characterize molecular mechanisms and integrated signalling causative of human disease, with particular emphasis on cellular transformation, metastasis and the discovery of new therapeutic targets for modulation by small molecules.



We take a very multidisciplinary approach to our work, and this also forms the core of the IRIC research model. "The emergence of highly sophisticated technologies and new scientific disciplines (genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, etc.) has rapidly accelerated biomedical research and led to the birth of integrated systems biology." Using such tools, we now consider all components of a biological process concurrently rather than as single components in isolation. In the Smith lab, we integrate modern experimental approaches in structural biology, biophysics, evolutionary bioinformatics, and cell biology to achieve this goal (click images below for further descriptions). We further aim to be highly collaborative with biologists, clinicians, geneticists and others to gain comprehensive insights to the systems we study. If you are interested in collaboration please don’t hesitate to send us a message: smithlabiric@gmail.com




IRIC, University de Montreal (연구소)



Matthew J Smith

소속회원 0