

Nanobiomagnetics and Bioelectronics Laboratory

[Our Research 1]
Our research group focused on the development of new kinds of superparamagnetic nanoparticles and their applications for nano and nanothermal medicine such as magnetic nanofluid hyperthermia (MNFH) for brain tumors, prostate cancers, and hepatic cancers, MRI-imaging guided hyperthermia and high resolution MRI imaging for early cancer and malignant disease diagnosis, and electrically and magnetic field-induced thermally  stimulated neurodegenerative diseases treatment such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, dystonia, and neuro-circuit disorder etc.

We are now developing very powerful hyperthermia, T2/T1 MRI agents and special biomedical instrumentation for MNFH (human patient and animal pilot studies), extremely low frequency electrical/magnetic stimulation equipment, frequency variable cell migration testing equipment etc. We are continuously working on this project for preclinical and clinical applications.

[Our Research 2]
Our research group also focused on the development of higher speed, lower power consumption, higher SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), and higher magnetic and electrical stability of spintronic devices including logic gates, Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM), GMR/TMR based read sensor, ultra-low field sensor for human biological field, and the applications of nanostructure magnetic materials and nanostructure magnetic devices for biomedicine.

With the convergence knowledge combined between engineering and medicine, our research group are now developing a real-time monitoring in-vitro GMR (Giant Magnetoresistance) biosensors for the detection of DNA and Prostate cancers.

#biochemistry #solid chemistry #physics #material science #magnetism




University of South Carolina (학교)


042-869-1012 http://baegroup.org


배성태 bae4@cec.sc.edu