Research Area

A supercapacitor is electrochemical capacitors that have an unusually high energy density when compared to common capacitors, typically on the order of thousands of times greater than a high capacity electrolytic capacitor.
Double-layer capacitor
Activated carbon, Graphene, CNT, CNF, conducting polymer
Oxide and hydroxides of transition metal (RuO2, MnO2)
Hybrid type super capacitor
Combination of supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries

Fuel Cell
A fuel cell is an electrochemical conversion device. It produces electricity from fuel (on the anode side) and an oxidant
(on the cathode side), which react in the presence of an electrolyte.
Corrosion resistant catalysts and Non-noble electrocatalysts for the PEM fuel cells
Methanol selective electrodes for DM fuel cells
Bi-functional catalysts for the Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cells (URFC)
MEA design and process, Metal bipolar plate

Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen is the next generation clean energy. It can be produced from conventional methods such as steam/gas reforming. Electrochemistry lab focuses on producing hydrogen through water electrolysis
Alkaline water electrolysis catalysts.
Stable and durable electrodes
Practical use for industrial water electrolysis
Efficient and active hydrogen prouction catalyst

Redox Flow Battery
A redox flow battery is an electrochemical energy storage device with excellent energy efficiency. It stores electricity in two solutions comprising of different redox couples.
Lithium Air Battery
Li-air battery has a high theoretical specific energy compared to conventional Li-ion cells, which makes them more suitable for long-range vehicle applications. It utilizes the oxidation of lithium at the anode and reduction of oxygen at the cathode to produce current.

Corrosion is generally described as the deterioration of metal due to an electrochemical reaction.
Hydrogen permeation : gold plate, Cr-oxide passivated layer
Carbon corrosion : CNT, CNF, CNC, metal oxide
Corrosion protection : organic material coating, passivation

Electro deposition is the process of coating a thin layer of one metal on top of a different metal to modify its surface properties. Done to achieve the desired electrical and corrosion resistance, reduce wear&friction, improve heat tolerance and for decoration.
Nano metal plating : metal bipolar plate
Metal alloy pulse electro-deposition : catalyst layer
Corrosion protective thin-film coating
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