

바이오 계면 및 센서 연구실


Coventional detection of diseases requires large amounts of biosamples (e.g. blood, urine), and only a single biomarker can be diagnosed from a single run of biosensor, which results in unnecessary pain and inaccurate results. The new generation of biosensor for diagnostics must be capable of detecting multiple biomarkers from a single droplet of biosamples which is obtained without pain. To develop the single-droplet multiplex biosensor platform, BLISS takes advantage of antibiofouling (superhydrophobic) surfaces found in nature to manipulate a single droplet freely on the platform.

By engineering the chemical and physical properties of the surface, we have developed novel droplet manipulation system for the single-droplet multiplex biosensor. The developed superhydrophobic-hydrophilic patterned surface allows selective adhesion of biosamples, then its movement can be precisely controlled via automated X-Y translational stage system with vacuum tip. The developed manipulation system combined with colorimetric assay is feasible for biosensor applications including glucose sensor.


Surgical site infection (SSI) has been serious threats to patients who undergo surgical operations or implant medical devices. The biofilms caused by bacterial infection causes severe pain and even death when the bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. According to clinical case studies, 2.6% of the patients in U.S. have experienced SSI, and more than 8000 patients die due to SSI every year. Therefore, there is an increasing demand to prevent bacterial infection on Implantable devices.

To address the demand, BLISS is developing lubricant-coated surface which exhibit great antibiofouling properties against bacteria and Immune related biomolecules. Taking the advantage of slippery surface of pitcher plant, we utilize perfluoro-based surface coating allowing adhesion of lubricant on surface due to high chemical affinity between them. The same principles also could be applied to reduce inflammatory response due to foreign body reaction, which has great potentials in bio-implantable biosensors for continuous monitoring in vivo.


A myriad of microenvrionmental factors have proven to influence the way cell behaves including adhesion, apoptosis, proliferation, and cell differentiation. In order to understand and engineer cellular behavior, understanding on its microenvrionmental is essential. Currently, BLISS has been focusing on the development of the programmable cell/tissue stimulation systems to investigate cellular responses to the applied external stimuli.

We are taking two differnet approaches to understand cellular behavior; Application of electrical stimuli using triboelectric nanogenerator (TEG) to study direct cell conversion of  cells, and stem cell differentiation upon active mechanical compression using developed microfluidic bioreactors.




연세대학교 (학교)



서정목 JUNGMOK.SEO@yonsei.ac.kr

소속회원 0