

고체물리학 실험실

Design of Atomic Crystals

We are interested in low-dimensional atomic crystals artificially designed at the surface and interface of solids.

Electronic Structures & Properties

We study "electronic structures" of low-dimensional atomic crystals to explore new properties and physical phenomena.

Major Instruments

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a powerful technique that probes electronic structures of the designed crystals.

Band-gap Engineering

We can modulate band gap which is dominantly responsible for electronic properties of materials by means of surface doping.

Topological Field Effect Transistor

We can control the charge or spin conductance by inducing topological phase transition which is possible as we can apply externalelectric field.

Artificial Topological Phase Transition

We also study the topology of electronic structures of target materials by creating topological phase transition artificially.

Two-dimensional Superconductivity

Superconductivity can be realized in two-dimensional systems which we can track by observing the signatures of superconductivity at ARPES spectra.




연세대학교 (학교)



김근수 keunsukim@yonsei.ac.kr

소속회원 0