Welcome to SCONE Lab
Our Lab was established in 1991 with the name, 'INC (Information Networking & Computing) Lab' by Professor Kim as he joined the faculty of SNU CSE. We have studied various fundamental and practical technologies for efficient info-communications and achieved brilliant research results, in collaboration with a number of top companies and research institutes.
Recently with the spread of Social Network Services (SNS) services, the study of Social Network Analysis, which is proven to be very useful in increasing efficiency and quality of processes, has drawn global attention. With this trend, we changed the name of the lab from INC Lab to 'SCONE (Social & Computer Network) Lab', and our lab concentrates on converging Social Network, Computer Network and various IT Technologies.
Currently, the core research areas in our lab include Social Network Analysis and application technologies of Wireless Communications, and by converging these, we are creating service technologies of a new paradigm. Our ultimate goal is to improve the quality of our lives by advancing the implementation of innovative Smart-information-oriented society.