Not all the astronomers observe at night! As a day-time astronomer, I observe and study our star, the Sun. The results of my research are in the publications in the referee journals (ApJ, Solar Physics, A&A, PASJ, JKAS, JGR) and the publications in the proceedings and bulletins, which are automatically renewed with the help of ADS. The topics of published papers include prominences/filaments, magnetic reconnection, magnetic helicity, coronal heating/loop , etc.
I analyze data taken either from ground-based observatories (such as BBSO, NSO of America) or from space missions (such as SOHO, TRACE, Hinode, SDO) mainly using the IDL. I have developed a number of IDL routines which might be useful to others. I am much interested in maintaining astronomical instruments for education (such SPOT, DM700) and developing new ones for research (such as FISS on the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope at BBSO) in close collaboration with the Solar and Space Weather Group at KASI.