

실험 역학 및 신뢰성 평가 연구실

?In-situ Characterization and Reliability Evaluation (iCaRE) Lab

Uncovering the Mechanical Response of Disparate Material Systems (from nano to bulk-scale)

?Research Topics

In-situ Mechanical Testing of Metallic Thin Films at Elevated Temperatures
Develop experiments and models to understand the high temperature mechanical behavior of materials at small length scales with a particular emphasis on anelastic deformation and diffusional creep. Understand deformation mechanisms operating at small length scales, elevated temperatures. Passivation layer effect on the high temperature deformation mechanism will be further investigated.?

Development of High Temperature Structural Materials and Devices
?Develop metallic materials for high temperature MEMS sensors and micro-switches. Combinatorial approach to deposit films with compositional gradients and evaluate room temperature, high temperature mechanical properties. Tailor high temperature mechanical properties by heat treatment, controlling impurity content. Simple metal MEMS devices with improved functionality will be fabricated using the newly developed alloy.

Small-scale Mechanical Testing as a Benchmark for Crystal Plasticity Modeling
??Small-scale experiments to facilitate collection of salient mechanical properties at appropriate temperatures and microstructural states. Teaming with crystal plasticity modelers, experiments will be used to provide model parameters, validate key predictions, and supplement and extend the range of validity and reliability of the models.




한국과학기술원 (학교)



심기동 gdsim@kaist.ac.kr

소속회원 0